Sunday 4 March 2012

Communication is a Virus: Hashtag

When Social Marketers use Twitter to create campaigns centered on hashtags (#) it can be a very useful tool; useful for attackers as well. Hashtags can be more accessible than once thought and easily scream, “Attack this brand!” Recently, McDonald’s launched a hashtag campaign that was turned into a bashtag, and then Research In Motion’s #BeBold campaign was similarly brandjacked.
Fortunately, there’s a way to avoid these types of situations. Hashtag campaigns happen daily without any press coverage, usually because there isn’t any horror story to report.
Here are 9 ways to prevent your brand from going through a similar fate:
1. Why You’re Using a Hashtag?
Brands are using hashtags, on Twitter in most cases and sometimes other services likeInstagram, either to create a centralized discussion around their campaign or event, or to jump into conversations that are already happening. Brands should assess what they want to get out of the hashtag completely committing to it.
2. Discuss the Risk Upfront
No matter how good your intentions are and how well your campaign is executed, hashtags can get hijacked in a number of unexpected ways. Make sure any relevant Social Media Managers, Brand Executives, Marketing Directors and other relevant parties are aware of what can happen, and share some real examples like the ones noted above. Also be clear and reassure that brands use hashtags in campaigns every day, and there are very few that generate any negative publicity.
3. Determine What Kind of Hashtag Makes Sense for Your Goals
Now Branded hashtags like #McDstories are very transparent and often descriptive, but they might turn off people who do not want to include your brand in their messages. They also can give brand haters more motivation to upend the hashtag’s meaning; creating a bashtag.
Generic hashtags like RIM’s #BeBold have more creative potential both for the brand and for consumers, but the hashtags can be brand-jacked just as easily because of the creative potential, especially if the brand isn’t perceived as a match for the tag. Either way, the hashtag should be informative and concise rather than conceptual. Remember you only have a few characters with Twitter; make them count, and don’t make consumers think too hard.
4. Be True to Your Brand
Warren Buffet was known to of said, “Your premium brand had better be delivering something special, or it’s not going to get the business.” What does your brand do better than anyone else? What is your strength? If you’re a fast food burger chain, having salad on the menu wouldn’t justify a #BeHealthy campaign. Airlines shouldn’t try using #ComfortingThoughts unless their coach seats are really more comfortable than a typical passenger’s living room sofa.
5. Think of the Worst-Case Hashtag Scenario
Next, share it with some of your cynical and snarky colleagues. Does it hold up? Do they completely shoot it down? Would more conservative brand managers be comfortable with it? If it’s too easy to hijack and the brand bashing is too harsh, this is a good time to come up with other ideas.
6. Avoid Piggybacking on Humorous or Risqué Hashtags
Very few brands can credibly contribute to conversations around tags like “#WhatMenDo” or “#WorstMondayEver.”
7. Have Your Crisis Plan Ready, With Key Members Poised
No matter how cautious you think you are, people can and will be pleasantly unpredictable, even if that can create the occasional unpleasant experience for brands. Make sure it’s absolutely clear what everyone’s roles are should an unfortunate event happen and your Hashtag gets hijacked.
8. Monitor the Campaign With Diligence
With the right team in place, with the right procedures the campaign should go off without a hitch. It should also be clear upfront when determining everyone’s roles and responsibilities.
9. Call to Action
If the worst happens, be ready to do whatever it takes to stop the bleeding, such as ceasing any media support, engaging consumers to steer the conversation back to the original idea, or perhaps taking it on the chin and acknowledging when consumers are right. McDonald’s realized, for instance, that by pulling its Twitter ad, negative comments using the hashtag stopped almost immediately.

Brands shouldn’t overreact to the potential downfall of using hashtags, but marketers need to accept that there will always be a risk when using them and must own it. Many more marketers will choose to accept that risk. Twitter’s is growing by the minute and hashtags are a fundamental element of Instagram, Tumblr, and other services. Brands that utilize the #Hashtag effectively will reap the benefits tenfold.

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