Tuesday 22 May 2012

CoP: Evaluation

What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?
A skill that i have developed through this module is the applying knowledge from all areas of the arts to graphic design. From going to the lectures and learning all different aspects from various people i then had to use what i learnt and find graphic designers for a task. Some where harder than others but i found myself using the knowledge of what i no and finding parts of graphics that i didn't no about such as graphic design in movies. I've effectively applied my knowledge to my practice by looking at different arts when researching for briefs and this has aided me to think differently and see different approaches to an idea.

What approaches to methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?

For my publication i had to consider different methods of production such as book binding, embossing and foiling. This informed my design development process as i was considering timing and the actual layout and function of the publication. This was one brief i defiantly had the opportunity to try different methods of production that i'd wanted to try and would be very appropriate to the content and format. However, unfortunately due to restrictions i wasn't able to do what i desired however i do feel that it has inform my design development and aided my publication in the direction it went into.

What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?
One strength within this module that i have found in my work is time management and a clear process in designing. I started right at the beginning with researching deeply into the area that i had chosen to go with which i had broken down from a session with Jo. The research then lead from one another from researching design to aspects of design, principles, rules, quotes for design following onto typographic posters using inspirational quotes. Once i had a variety of research i then started to consider the content i would use from this for my publication, researching appropriate parts i wanted to include. From having my content i could design my layouts how i wanted knowing what would be on each page, this created a good structure for my design as when i was ready to go digital i knew exactly how i wanted it and where it was meant to go. I feel i capitalised on this clear process in the crits as i knew exactly where i was at, what i was doing and how i wanted it to be and this came through in the feedback i got. It meant i could capitalise on time overall as i had the basis sorted and needed to just digitalise and print once ready.

What weaknesses can you identify in your and work and how will you address these in the future?

One weakness i can identify in i work is the academia aspect. I'm not very good at structuring sentences, using a wide range of vocabulary which includes an academic level of words and my ability to write down exactly what i'm trying to communicate. Particularly in this module i have struggled to fulfil the briefs to a high standard where i can talk about work or eras of art and design in an intelligent way. Although i feel the understanding is sometimes there my communication in writing doesn't show this. I hope to address this issues by getting help from the dyslexia support team here as i have just been diagnosed with dyslexia. I want to improve my vocabulary and writing skills to improve my work in the context of practice module.

Identify 5 things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from these?

1. Plan out my essay first
I hope to gain from this as my essay will flow and show a structured and academic argument towards the question.
2. Have better notes from my lectures so when i revisit them they are easier to understand
3. Come prepared to every crit to the stage where i should be within the brief to get the best out of it.
4. Look back at previous sessions with Jo to remind myself of certain aspects such as audience therefore when i am doing a brief i have these in mind when designing.
5. Ask for help with the academic writing so that i can have a better go at communicating my ideas.

Attendance - 4
Punctuality - 4
Motivation - 3
Commitment - 3
Quantity or work produced - 4
Quality of work produced - 3
Contribution to the group - 4

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