Monday 21 May 2012

CoP: Essay Final

'Advertising doesn't sell things; all advertising does is change the way people think or feel' (Jeremy Bullmore) Evaluate this statement with reference to selected critical theories (past and present)

"In our urban world, on the streets that we walk, the buses that we take, in the magazines that we read, on walls, on screens, we are surrounded by images of an alternative way of life. We may remember or forget theses images, but briefly we take them in and they stimulate our imagination either by way of memory or anticipation - where is this other way of life?"

‘Ways of Seeing’, 1972 (‘Ways of Seeing-Advertising ¼ reviewed how advertising glamorised products suggested to our consumerist society that we could improve our lives or ourselves by buying more and proposing our life experience can be enriched through this even though in practical terms we are made poorer. The images created in these advertisements are supposed to represent and are directed at our lives and us, but in fact represent something quite distant from reality and in fact establish a romanticized fantasy upon our subconscious. John Berger is quite accurate in saying:

“Glamour is for everybody who believes they can be glamorous, or, perhaps, more accurately, everybody who finds that they cannot afford not to be glamorous.”

as we are now more than ever manipulated by society’s norms and values where social envy is created and we become fearful of rejection by the world. Advertising strives from this as “Without social envy, glamour cannot exist.” (John Berger) and glamour is what sells us into a lifestyle that becomes our obsession as it encourages our imagination to think that this fantasy could be possible.” Therefore Jeremy Bullmore would be correct in saying that advertising does change the way people think or feel. However, consideration must be made for what the full intention of this is in advertising, ie. the intention to sell things. By analysing his statement, using past advertisements and critical theories, this essay will demonstrate how society and advertising go hand in hand to manipulate and seduce the public into buying, thinking and feeling differently.

In favour of Jeremy Bullmore's statement, advertising encourages emotions within us and alters the way we think or feel. ‘‘Persuasion in Advertising’ (J. O’Shaughnessy & N.J. O’Shaughnessy, 2004, p.27) states: 

"Emotion is a factor in persuasive advertising that aims to change viewpoints and not simply to demonstrate the logical implications of data. In the grip of an emotion, a person not only feels differently, but also tends to think differently. Advertising that resonates emotionally stands more chance of inducing a change in beliefs and values/motives/wants/desires than one based on logic alone.” 

By using emotion with the intention of altering an individual’s beliefs and values, advertising taps into the human consciousness changing how a person thinks or feels with that sole purpose in mind. Advertisers use these techniques of manipulation to create a fantasy world for the audience that leaves the subject craving that product due to society’s already established structure of shared feelings and beliefs. The purpose of doing this is that within the fantasy the product itself makes life what it is (i.e. glamorous, sexy, intellectual, macho etc.) therefore selling the product through a lifestyle by personifying it.  Bullmore’s view would be correct about advertising having a strong focus in altering the feelings and thinking of it’s audience but in suggesting that is all it does, is, I believe, wrong. Berger's 'Ways of Seeing' makes the connection between altering human emotions and selling by pointing out the glamorisation of products and goods that then suggest a social fantasy full of desires and hopes. The potential for advertising to arouse emotions within us is strong as suggested in "Persuasion in Advertising":

“Anything that concerns us has the potential to arouse our emotions and, as Margalit says, emotions engage us with their objects in such a way as to make them loose their neutrality: they become marked by being lovable, disgusting, exciting, fearful and so on.”(J. O’Shaughnessy & N.J. O’Shaughnessy, 2004, p.27)

The Chanel marketing team provide an excellent example of personifying a product and using the tool of arousing emotion, in particular for their Chanel No.5 advertising campaign. A complete story of love, romance and the heart of a young woman are employed to sell high end, expensive perfume. One of their most famous, most expensive and elaborate advertisements, with a budget of $42 million and the renowned Baz Luhrmann directing, is a perfect illustration of how advertisers represent an abstract object by incorporating it into an unrealistic fantasy of emotion and just how far the advertising industry will go to reach their market (nicole kidman chanel commercial, Featuring famous actress Nicole Kidman in what is considered to be a film trailer and of course the excessive product placement of Chanel No.5’s equally famous logo, this sophisticated TV advertisement challenges the fragrance market and offers their product as a chance to escape the mundane for a lavish and exciting life that holds the promise of love and extravagant romance. More importantly it offers an achievable, aspirational way of life, which to the modern woman, weighed down by a stressful career, a family and trying to sustain society’s idealistic view of a successful woman, that she hopes for and the product becomes a marker in her perception of herself of all that she yearns to be.  It comes as a relief to her to find that a small part of her ‘dream’ self can be realized by the purchase and use of this product, she has bought into the fantasy.  Realistically it will cost her financially, she will own a bottle of fragranced water, taking some pleasure in the ownership and use of it, but the important areas of her life will remain unchanged.  However the advertisers have achieved what they intended, They have tapped into feelings of human desire and aspiration, altering the thinking of their audience by convincing them that in owning this designer branded product they have exceeded in life and reached the top of society’s ladder. They continue using this idealistic method of branding (see ‪CHANEL NO.5 COMMERCIAL AVEC/WITH AUDREY TAUTOU / DIRECTED BY JEAN PIERRE JEUNET, which features another alluring young woman, this time Audrey Tautou a French actress.  Her personal charisma already hints at romance coupled with her incredible beauty while being set alongside the French city of Paris, the package is already irresistible.  All of this is further complimented by the song 'I’m a fool to want you' by Billie Holiday playing behind the magic and romance of a night train journey. The story revolves around the mesmerising effect of the scent left in the woman's wake on a man, who could only be described as typically and unnaturally attractive. This seductive presentation instigates and builds towards the inevitable manipulation of the audience’s emotions towards a desired life and the product that gets them there. This is a perfect example of Berger's urban world where we are taken in by our imagination yet where is this way of life, the night train, and the man? (To the target audience, it’s in the bottle of Chanel No 5.)

Jeremy Bullmore in his 2003 edition of 'Behind the Scenes in Advertising Mark III' (P.14) states:
"The truth of the matter is that people enjoy being persuaded being courted, being wooed, being wanted." and he'd be correct in saying this as its clear that this commercial is intended to influence and the audience know they are being targeted by the industry yet they allow themselves to be manipulated and buy into the advertiser’s fantasy for them. Through publicity they appeal to a way of life we aspire to but have not yet achieved suggesting that if we buy, our life will have taken a step towards our dream and be different.  Our home and relationships will become luminous due to our new possessions. Playing upon fear and the rules of the dream, those who don't have the power and lack glamour, become faceless and using techniques such as the 'weasel claim' and 'unfinished claim' advertisements offer a promise while at the same time threatening undesirability and invisibility without their product. John Berger sums this up in his documentary 'Ways of Seeing':
"It suggests you are inadequate as you are but consoles you with a promise of a dream."
This is probably one of the most important factors in advertising from the aspect of altering the feelings and thinking of an audience in a direction best suited to the industry. It would appear clear that although Jeremy Bullmore says that advertising only changes the way people think or feel, it does in fact intend to do this with the sole purpose of selling, this method being a device used, along with many, to influence and control society as a whole encouraging what’s already been embedded in our nature.

In opposition to Bullmore's theory of advertising not selling we see in the DeBeers 1948 advertising campaign, ’A diamond is forever’ (‪A Diamond is Forever TV commercial "Theatre"(2001), ‪ a clear intention of using manipulation of emotions in order to sell a product. Due to the diamond decreasing in price and their efforts to revive the industry through advertising, even to this day, 64 years on, a diamond is forever in our mind as a symbol of love, attached to various important human milestones such as engagement, birthday and anniversary. Through a series of clever advertising we have been seduced by the portrayed imagery of wealth, success and rarity held in a diamond and then emotionally manipulated into conforming with that portrayal to celebrate our love by the expensive indulgence of such item.  Combined with the threat of feeling inadequate and rejected from main society or even abandoned by our ‘love’ for not showing enough love if non-conforming to the depicted ideal. Over the years by using the base of couples and occasions, DeBeers have ensured diamonds as a global luxury, a stage in life of utter happiness as well as success and most importantly a promise we now expect. This marketing initially made necessary by the declining price of diamonds and the powerful desire to reverse that decline with an advertising campaign, has led to a result which was un thought of in it’s original conception. DeBeers themselves summed up their accomplishment in a successful statement from their history:

“The diamond became an integral part of the modern-day ceremony of love, engagement and the celebration of enduring relationships. Through De Beers the diamond has come to speak a universal language, conveying its message of love, rarity and desire.” (

This phenomenal success stems from an advertising campaign that created the association of diamonds with romance and established a link between diamonds and the sacred tradition of a religious wedding through manipulation of image in order to increase sales. By simply capturing images of life-changing events and the emotional responses to those events in their campaigns, we have succumbed to this image and subsequently the diamond industry is now worth millions. Jeremy Bullmore statement is far from realising the full potential and intentions of advertising to sell products or goods by changing peoples thinking and feeling and the DeBeers campaign is a successful and vividly accurate example of showing how the two can together can impose a deep impact upon society.

In conclusion to the theory “Advertising doesn’t sell things; all advertising does is change the way people think or feel” (Jeremy Bullmore) it has to be said that advertising doesn’t just sell things and doesn’t just change the way people think or feel but the two go hand in hand. In part and in agreement with Jeremy Bullmore, that over time, the manipulation of feelings and thinking is becoming more prominent as the market becomes increasingly competitive and there is a need to fight for a market share and advertisements more vigorously target our innermost desires and hopes. Although not everyone is susceptible to manipulation, in reality everyone has values and beliefs, whether based on society’s values and norms or of their own basis, and “Whenever something strongly resonates with values, its produces an emotional reaction.” (J. O’Shaughnessy & N.J. O’Shaughnessy, 2004, p.64). With emotion comes the opportunity to change feelings and thinking, therefore comes the potential to extract the desired response by persuasion. Persuasion is the inherent power within a sale.  It has been evidenced that advertising isn't one or the other as viewed in Bullmores statement and on reflection, from looking at different theories, the advertising industry makes use of our innate human vulnerability to do their job, to advertise and to sell products.


Videos -

John Berger (1972) 'Ways of seeing - Advertising', Parts 1-4, BBC ( 
Available from:

Chanel No.5 advertisement (2004) 'nicole kidman chanel commercial' (
Available from:

Available from:

DeBeers advertisement (1948) '‪A Diamond is Forever TV commercial "Theatre" (2001)', (‪
‪‪Available from:

‪‪Books -

‪‪J.O'Shaughnessy & N.J. O'Shaughnessy (2004) 'Persuasion in Advertising', Philadelphia , Psychology Press

J.Bullmore (2003) 'Behind the Scenes in Advertising Mark III', United Kingdom ,World Advertising Research Centre

S. Jhally (1990) 'Codes of Advertising', Routledge, New York

‪‪Internet - 

‪‪DeBeers, Current News and Events (2011) 'The most Iconic Slogan - A diamond is forever'
‪‪Available from:

Funnycommercialsworld (2005) 'Chanel No.5 Commercial: The Film (Nicole Kidman)'
Available from:

CNBC 'Top Ad Campaigns of the 20th Century'
Available from:
<>Available from:

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