Wednesday 20 November 2013

CoP: Dyslexic Meeting 2

I showed the dyslexic tutor my introduction in which she amended slightly and made some suggestions.
Overall she said it had a really good flow and was very well written in which I was pleased. I said I struggled with knowing how to end it wasn't sure about listing off what were there themes I was going to discuss in the essay. She said she did like the end to the introduction as it was but to discuss with Richard in my tutorial wether it needs to be outlined and the methodology mentioned as the past dissertation had to.

I then mentioned that I struggled to begin the consumerism chapter because my research hadn't been on overall consumerism but with a focus so we looked at a few possibilities for this as well as the topic of marketing the idea of home. I had forgot what Richard had said about this chapter so I was unsure how to begin it also.
We found this journal which looked like it could be helpful so after the session I spoke to the library who instructed me to go to Leeds Met library where it is.

I also said I was worried about not having enough primary research but she said the photos I had took where good primary research and to bring this into my dissertation which I hadn't actually thought to do. She suggested I go back to Ikea and spend the day there listening to people to try and grasp things about there identity such as how they think the thing makes them feel or why there purchasing it.

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