Tuesday, 23 July 2013

IKEA: Plan

How does Ikea sell the idea of home to the masses?

  • meant to be individual/personal
  • sells personal home to masses across globe
  • way of life/consumerism

Brand Identity

  • stripped back and basic - recognised global
  • names of products
  • the warehouse - building/location/colours
  • packaging


  • sell ideals of home life - family/first home
  • gain image of life they perceived

Do this by:

  • hyperreality/DIY style/advertisement/store setups/store layout/familylive


  • forget there in a marketplace
  • illusion of the real life - setups
  • exaggerated images in ads


  • mother recent ad campaigns
  • examples of different lives - couples/families

Do It Yourself

  • self-esteem
  • sense of achievements/personal touch
  • make it seem not mass produced

The Store

  • setups - cosy,warm, atmosphere
  • layout - direction through store
  • pick - choose - get later (pencil)
  • pace/lightening/space


  • home stories
  • blogs
Primary Research

  • go into store - time it - photograph it
  • interview with Ikea wis merch or mother?
  • sign up to familylive - blog
  • contact some bloggers

IKEA: Family Live

Home stories:

I found Ikeafamilylive which is inspiration and ideas for families. It has blog posts of 'home stories' which show different peoples homes and how they've decorated the space. It also has peoples blogs giving advice and tips on interior design.


IKEA: Book Research

Consumer Behaviour. Hayden Noel. AVA Publishing. Switzerland 2009
Retail Design. Lynne Mesher. AVA Publishing. Switzerland 2010
Retail Graphics. Giles Calver. Rotovision. Switzerland 2003

IKEA: Proposal Presentation

How does ikea sell the idea of home to the masses

Idea of home is meant to be individual and personal
Ikea sells the idea of a personal home to the masses across the globe
Focusing on consumerism and tactics of mass selling

Brand identity being stripped back and basic but being recognizable globally
The store warehouse – the building and the colours

Selling the ideals of home life – family, first home etc.
Creating a want of consumers to gain the image of life percieved

Hyper reality of the imagery selling a false promise

Unrealistic but offers a fantasy

Idea of do it yourself
Easy way to build up the ideals sold in advertisements
Sense of achievement and personal touch

Hyper reality in adverts
Use different relationship scerenios like the family in the garden or the new couple moving in

Photography based image to sell the way of life to audience

In store set ups of how the same furniture used to make cosy, warm atmospheres and ‘homes’

Layout of the areas of the store so its easy to pick and choose what you want
Note it down collect later – no rush or hassle

Customers directed through the store to see all the products
Manipulated through pace, lighting and space

Investigate through photography of objects and tactics selling the way of life to desire

Use questionnaires and surveys of specific audiences such as first home owners and families
Go to see the design team – see process and method behind