Tuesday, 27 September 2011


I love using things such as parcel tags and various other materials that technically i wasn't able to print on with the printers i had at use (eg. canvas paper i ripped off a canvas stuck to A4 and fed through a standard home printer) to print on to get mismatch effects with layout and overlapping. Therefore i real like this piece of design as it inspires me to try new materials and effects as well as it being atheistically pleasing.

2. I like the effect of wood block type printed. These two pieces i like because one the layout and composition of the text and two the various combination of fonts together.

I like using paper as a material and the various kinds you can get, this graphics in particular i like because its stitched illustrations and typography which is a style i love visually plus its neat, accurate and skillful which is, in some of my work in the past, what i strive for.

4. I love stamp design especially how they vary in time and internationally, and collectively they look visually pleasing and can be used together to make a great effect.

I love vintage random objects usually used in interior design, especially with old type and layout. This piece of graphic design i think displays those qualities and uses layers, old style tones, prints and fonts which you can see on the lids.

Alphabet Soup: POP!


pop 1
v. poppedpop·pingpops
1. To make a short, sharp, explosive sound.
2. To burst open with a short, sharp, explosive sound.
3. To move quickly or unexpectedly; appear abruptly: At last the cottage popped into view.
4. To open wide suddenly: The child's eyes popped with astonishment.
5. Baseball To hit a short high fly ball, especially one that can be caught by an infielder: popped out to shortstop.
6. To shoot a firearm, such as a pistol.
7. To release (a clutch) suddenly.
1. To cause to make a sharp bursting sound.
2. To cause to explode with a sharp bursting sound: popped the balloon.
3. To put or thrust suddenly or unexpectedly"popping a crisp plump shrimp into her mouth" (Kathleen Winsor).
a. To discharge (a firearm).
b. To fire at; shoot.
5. To hit or strikepopped me on the head.
6. Baseball To hit (a ball) high in the air but not far.
7. Slang
a. To take (drugs), especially orally: "To calm a case of the jitters . . . the bride popped Valium" (People).
b. To have (a drink): popped a few beers after work.
1. A sudden sharp, explosive sound.
2. A shot with a firearm.
3. Chiefly Midwestern U.S. See soft drink. See Regional Note at tonic.
4. Baseball A pop fly.
1. With a popping sound.
2. Abruptly or unexpectedly.
Phrasal Verbs:
pop for
Informal To pay for: I'll pop for the video if you buy some snacks.
pop in
To visit briefly: just popped by to say hello.
pop off Informal
1. To leave abruptly or hurriedly.
2. To die suddenly.
3. To speak thoughtlessly in a burst of released anger.
a pop
Slang Apiece; each: Tickets to the benefit were $100 a pop.
pop the question Informal
To propose marriage.

Source: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/pop+in

Alternative words for Pop:
Main Entry: pop
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: bang
Synonyms: burst, crack, explosion, jump, leap, report, snap, strike, thrust, whack

Main Entry: pop
Part of Speech: verb
Definition: jump, burst
Synonyms: appear, bang, blow, crack, dart, explode, go, go off, hit, insert, leap, protrude, push, put, report, rise, shove, snap, sock, stick, strike, thrust, whack

Various image responses to the word 'POP' and related words on Google:

 Pop Art

Pop Music



These two are more visuals to help me create a movement effect rather than the word pop




Pop related fonts


Pop Patterns






I looked at how other fonts work and composition helps represent the meaning of the piece.